Usos Foundation
    "Hi, this is Mean Gene Snisky from WXW and the WWE.   I'm best known for what I do in the ring to my opponents, but there's also another side of Mean Gene; the side that's caring and soft and sensitive kind of guy who loves to help kids. I am a proud member of the Usos foundation. If you don't know what the Usos foundation pertains to, we're here to help troubled youth in their time and need and get them off the street, shape them, mold them, and steer them in the right direction, not only in the aspect of wrestling, but in all aspects of life. We're here to help the youth of today. Today's not an easy time for kids, growing up today the economy's bad, things are tough. Kids need to have a positive outlook on life. That's where I take things personally, because I like to be a role model, I like to steer kids in the right direction. They see me in the ring and they see me as Mean Gene, but I'm also out in the street helping the kids. I don't forget where I came from. If it wasn't for Afa the Wild Samoan, Pops to me, I don't know what I would have done. He took me under his wing, guided me, now I am the man I am today. I just want to urge you at home viewing this to get out there take notice of what the Usos Foundation is
trying to do. We're not just for the wrestling, we're for the youth. We want to steer the youth in the right direction, create a positive environment, get the kids going on the right path. The heck with all the craziness out on the streets, we want to take them away from all that and steer them and guide them in the right direction. Check out this foundation. If I wasn't one hundred positively behind this foundation, I would not be sitting here today. They helped me, I've seen numerous kids off the street come in, we help them and steer them in the right direction. If you're there watching this, please check this out. This is a great cause, all we need is some support. We have to get the word out, get people involved with the Usos foundation. Any questions, any information whatsoever, feel free to check out the web site. Please please check us out, because we're here to help. Thank you and have a nice day."
Main Information
Founded and (c) copyrighted 2001, 2007 USOS Foundation, Inc.   tm